“ፍሎራ ኤድ” - 90 እንክብሎች
Complete Digestion Blend: Contains Lactase, which improves lactose digestion in individuals who have difficulty digesting lactose and helps to break down carbs, protein, and fat in the digestive tract.
Maximum Strength: Ultimate Digestive Enzyme complex with Ox bile, Betaine HCl and a probiotic blend.
Special Delivery: Pancreatin, ox bile and papain are specially coated to provide timed release of these enzymes.
Soothing Herbs: Ginger, peppermint, fennel, parsley and rosemary are included in this unique formula.
Maximum Strength: Ultimate Digestive Enzyme complex with Ox bile, Betaine HCl and a probiotic blend.
Special Delivery: Pancreatin, ox bile and papain are specially coated to provide timed release of these enzymes.
Soothing Herbs: Ginger, peppermint, fennel, parsley and rosemary are included in this unique formula.
Quality Manufacturing: Our state-of-the-art manufacturing facilities maintain continuous adherence to GMP compliance, superior standards, and are FDA and NSF registered.